10 Valuable Tips For Boosting Catering Sales

In catering sales, success is not solely hinged on the deliciousness of your hors d’oeuvres. It’s equally about understanding market subtleties, adopting innovative methods, and crafting memorable experiences.

With ever-changing trends, growing competition, and an increasingly savvy clientele, a generic approach doesn’t make the grade.

Join us on this enlightening journey as we share insights, anecdotes, and strategies to boost your catering sales beyond expectations.

1. Understanding Your Market

Imagine Julia, a seasoned caterer in Sydney. When the demand for vegan dishes surged in her locality, instead of turning a blind eye, she deep-dived into vegan culinary arts.

Julia captured a booming demographic by researching local catering trends and aligning her menu with emerging preferences. Don’t just rely on Google. Engage with local food bloggers or culinary schools to grasp emerging food trends.

You can position your catering business ahead of the curve by continuously evolving your offerings based on demographics and key cultural events.

2. Enhancing Your Online Presence

Carlos, a caterer in Melbourne, wondered why his impeccable dishes garnered minimal orders. The reason? A dated website and absent social media presence.

In today’s digital era, the first interaction customers often have with your business is online. A user-friendly website, intuitive CTAs (Call To Action), and vibrant visuals can set the tone

Harnessing platforms like Instagram or Pinterest, which are visually oriented, can showcase your culinary masterpieces, driving customer engagement and, ultimately, sales.

Reviews on platforms like Yelp or Google My Business greatly influence customer decisions. 

However, managing online reputation isn’t just about showcasing positive reviews, but responding empathetically to the less glowing ones.

Read More: Mastering Social Media Marketing for Catering Companies: An In-Depth Guide

3. Offer Promotions and Deals

Imagine a couple, planning their summer wedding, comes across your special ‘summer wedding package’ offer. The result? A sealed deal.

Seasonal discounts, bundling offers for events, or even loyalty programs can provide that nudge for clients teetering on the decision brink.

Additionally, incentivizing existing customers through referral bonuses can turn them into brand ambassadors, organically boosting your catering sales.

4. Expand Your Service Offerings

Just consider the story of Julia. She identified and capitalized on a growing trend, venturing into vegan offerings. Her success wasn’t just about adopting a plant-based menu but was rooted in her ability to cater to a niche yet rapidly expanding market.

But the opportunities don’t stop with veganism. There are myriad dietary preferences and trends gaining traction in today’s society.

Think about the increasing demand for gluten-free meals due to health and dietary reasons. Or the keto diet enthusiasts, who are always on the hunt for caterers who can meet their specific dietary requirements.

By continuously expanding and fine-tuning your service offerings, you can resonate with a wider audience, ensuring sustainable growth and success.

5. Strengthen Customer Relationships

Post-event, when the music dims, and guests depart, your role isn’t over. Sarah, a caterer in Brisbane, knew the goldmine of post-event engagement. A simple, personalized ‘Thank you’ email or a follow-up call can leave a lasting impression.

Gathering feedback, not only showers you with testimonials for marketing but reveals areas of refinement. And remember, repeat business is often more valuable than new business. Offer incentives for those second, third, and fourth events.

Read More: How to Find and Retain Catering Clients for Your Business: Best Strategies

6. Attend Local Events and Trade Shows

Attending local events and trade shows offers a unique advantage that virtual platforms often can’t replicate: tangible, real-time experiences and interactions.

Consider the savvy move made by Carlos. Rather than limiting his brand exposure to online channels, he stepped into the bustling environment of a business trade show

Surrounded by professionals in sharp suits, he might have seemed out of place. But with a strategic approach, he transformed this unlikely setting into a goldmine of opportunities.

Carlos presented bite-sized samples from his catering menu, turning each mini delicacy into an edible business card.

As attendees savored his creations, they didn’t just taste food; they experienced the essence of what Carlos could offer at their events.

The results spoke for themselves. Carlos secured bookings for three substantial corporate events from that single trade show.

His dishes’ tangible taste, along with his personable approach and networking skills, struck a chord with corporate decision-makers.

This story underscores a powerful lesson for those in the catering industry. While digital marketing and online presence are undoubtedly vital, there’s an irreplaceable value in physical presence.

7. Diversify Marketing Strategies

When Julia launched her new vegan menu alongside Instagram stories, she collaborated with a local newspaper for a feature. A two-pronged approach—reaching the tech-savvy and the traditionalists.

Content marketing, dishing out recipes or catering tips, email campaigns with special offers, or leveraging local radio spots can create a 360-degree presence, ensuring your catering business remains top of mind.

8. Focus on Training and Quality

Sarah’s secret sauce? A team that not only whipped up delectable dishes but was trained in upselling and cross-selling. Every interaction, be it a waiter or a chef, became an opportunity.

Consistent food quality, presentation, and impeccable service form the bedrock of successful catering sales. Investing in training ensures repeat customers and glowing word-of-mouth referrals.

9. Collaborate with Other Local Businesses

Carlos’s tie-up with a local event planner was a masterstroke. Bundled services, where clients got event planning and catering, streamlined their needs and boosted their sales.

Collaborations aren’t just for massive events. Partnering with local businesses for cross-promotions can be a goldmine. Imagine a yoga retreat offering gourmet health meals from your kitchen.

10. Adapt to Changing Circumstances

2023 taught businesses one vital lesson: adaptability. Caterers who pivoted to home deliveries or virtual event packages survived and thrived.

Monitoring market changes, global events, or even shifting seasons and tweaking your strategies accordingly ensures resilience and continuous catering sales growth.

Read More: 15 Catering Trends to Keep on Your Radar


What are the primary objectives of these catering sales tips?

These tips are designed to provide caterers with actionable strategies to enhance their sales performance. They offer insights into industry trends, client engagement, and effective marketing tactics to boost revenue.

Can these tips be applied to both new and established catering businesses?

Absolutely! Whether you’re just starting out or have been in the catering industry for years, these tips offer valuable perspectives. They can help new businesses gain a foothold and assist established ones in refining their sales strategies.

How do these tips address the changing dynamics of the catering industry?

The 10 Valuable Tips For Boosting Catering Sales considers the evolving nature of the catering sector, emphasizing the importance of adapting to market trends, embracing digital avenues, and understanding contemporary customer preferences.

Are the tips specific to a particular type of catering niche, such as weddings or corporate events?

While some tips may reference specific events as examples, the strategies provided are versatile. They can be tailored to suit various niches within the catering industry, from weddings and corporate events to casual gatherings and more.

How can I measure the success of implementing these sales-boosting tips?

Success can be gauged through various metrics, such as an increase in bookings, positive client feedback, enhanced online visibility, or growth in overall revenue. Regularly reviewing these indicators can provide insights into the effectiveness of the implemented strategies.


These ten invaluable tips, drawn from authentic experiences, current trends, and a dash of industry expertise, are your compass to chart a course toward unparalleled success. At the heart of every strategy lies the customer.

To truly understand, value, and innovate for them is to set your catering business on a trajectory of success. Ready to turn the page and start your next thriving chapter?

Contact Flex Catering today and discover how our catering software can elevate your sales to new heights.

Dive in, and let us help you craft a tale of triumph!

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